My womb creates and sustains life.
Hola! I’m Ivania. I can’t wait to help you have a fulfilling birth experience.
I have been called to guide, nurture, and support expecting parents who desire a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) so they can give birth in a way that leaves them feeling confident and empowered. I do this by honoring the ancestral and primal process of pregnancy, labor and birth, and by practicing La Cuarentena.
I am a daughter, sister, wife, and Mamí to 3 beautiful wild souls. I was born and raised in Miami, FL to Nicaragüan immigrant parents.
I have had 2 c-sections and 1 home VBAC. My second birth was very traumatic and lacked the support every birthing person needs when having a baby, whether it was a vaginal or c-section birth. Throughout the years, I have learned how necessary this ancestral process is for families as it connects us with our cultural raices (roots).
As a life learner of all pregnancy, birth, and postpartum (Cuarentena), I currently have the honor to further learn from the incredible Mexican Midwife Naoili Vinaver who combines traditional Mexican and contemporary home birth practices, with a profound respect for the physiology of natural birth.
I am honored to share my knowledge, experience, and ancestral offerings with you.
My Trainings and Experiences
Birth Doula Training (CAPPA and Birth Arts International)
Childbirth Education (Women Honoring Women Ruth Kraft)
Comfort Touch for Doulas
Sacred Pregnancy and Sacred Postpartum Instructor and Facilitator
Art of Birth Midwifery with Mexican Midwife Naoli Vinaver
Spinning Babies Training