Reclaiming the Art of Traditional Indigenous Postpartum Care
Indigenous postpartum traditions and rituals (La Cuarentena) goes back centuries and it is dedicated to caring for new-born mothers in a way that uplifts and soothes her body as well as her spirit, honoring her as the source of life that she is.
La Cuarentena
Our bodies are designed to expand for 9 months as it prepares to open and receive a new baby. This process of great expansion is strong, powerful, and sacred. After a woman gives birth, it is very important to take the proper time to heal during her Cuarentena (the first 40 days postpartum). This is a time to retreat and rest, stay warm, call on your support, and observe rituals and ceremonies. Our Latin American ancestors understood how important postpartum healing and that the community was ultimately responsible for her recovery and well being. This is a sacred and spiritual time that deserves reverence, humility, and warmth that enables the postpartum Mamá to truly heal after birth.
Are you ready to…
Honor your transition into Motherhood by practicing La Cuarentena, resting the next 40 days following the birth of your baby.
Provide warmth and nourishment to yourself the way your body and your baby deserve by eating warm foods and drinking hot teas specifically for your Cuarentena.
Regain both physical and emotional balance as you adjust to life with your new baby by creating a sacred space, a personal retreat in your home.
Honor and use the four elements of Madre Tierra with a ritual and ceremony that celebrates you and your journey.
“Receiving help from others during this time is not a gift or an indulgence, it’s the natural order of things - remember, this is the essential concluding piece of the childbearing cycle.”
— Henh Ou
Your Indigenous Postpartum Ceremony Includes…
A full body and womb massage using warm natural oils and stones helping relieve any tension and energy left behind from labor and birth needing to be released.
Second, an herbal steam bath using infused herbs will be prepared for you in your bath tub where you will be able to relax while being stimulated by the herbs increasing blood flow promoting faster healing.
After your herbal bath, you will be gently guided to the bed to be dressed and covered with warm clothes to help sweat and release any toxins which brings deep purification.
Lastly, the Closing of the Bones Ceremony. Inviting all the pieces of yourself to come back together and regaining the integrity of your body, we begin the closing, starting from the head and ending at the feet.
This practice is done in the privacy of your home and may take 2-4 hours. Many times, people use this time to meditate and reflect on their birth experience. This offering is customizable to your comfort level.
You deserve…
To create the postpartum experience that YOU want.
To feel nurtured, relaxed, and rejuvenated.
To have someone come take care of YOU while you take care of your new baby.
Honor the power of your womb that has brought life into the world.

Don’t let another minute go by, honor your Cuarentena.